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JanuaRy 2016 | Vol. 21 | Issue 1 | Mail Run: 8,465 | Total Print Run: 11,500
The Catoctin Your Good News Community Newspaper Serving Northern Frederick County, MD Since 1995
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Home Holiday Home James Rada, Jr.
Decorating Contest One is a trial attorney Photo by Peggy Sherald Riley Kate Robinson,
Contest Winner with the U.S. Department Class of 2006, was
the Athletics inductee.
of Justice. One is a local
businesswoman. One Robinson was a three-
See page 5 for the story. is a police chief. One sport athlete while
is a college coach. One at Catoctin High.
is a retired Catoctin She took that love
Thurmont High School teacher. of sports with her
They are all part of the
and had a successful
Downtown group of first recipients college athletic career
Revitalization of the Catoctin High and has become a
Project Distinguished Graduate successful college
Complete Awards. coach. In 2014, she
Principal Bernard was named first-ever
See page 11 for the story. Quesada told the gathered head women’s lacrosse
seniors and freshmen that coach at Whitman
each year Catoctin High College in Washington.
Thurmont School graduates students Pictured from left are Maggie Doll, Rachel Olson, Chief Gregg Eyler, Principal yourself,” Robinson
Bernard Quesada, Gus Eyler, Kate Robinson, Tom Sherald, and Keith Bruck.
who leave their mark on
Little League the world. “Since our first said. “Don’t be afraid of
Celebrates graduating class, Catoctin High attorney in the U.S. Department of failure. Make your moments count.”
65 Seasons School has served as a landmark for Justice’s Criminal Fraud Section. Greg Eyler, Class of 1974, was
of Baseball in success,” he said. He also serves as a Special Assistant the Public Service inductee. After
2016 The honorees were selected U.S. Attorney in the District of retiring from a twenty-five-year
See page 23 for the story. by the Distinguished Graduate Maryland. While a Catoctin student, career with the Frederick County
he played sports, served in student
Sheriff’s Office in 2005, he was
Organization, which formed over
the summer. The organization government organizations, and was appointed the Chief of Police for
established the awards “To a member of the National Honor Thurmont.
The Present recognize distinguished graduates of Society. He lives in Kensington, Eyler urged the students to
Past: “A Well Catoctin in the areas of Academics, Maryland, with his family. make a difference with their lives.
Eyler praised the education he had
Manored Arts & Humanities, Athletics, received at Catoctin High. “Learn “Nothing is more powerful, and
Business, and Public Service.
I mean nothing, is more powerful
Family” Former Catoctin staff members who from these people,” he said. “Imitate than determination.”
have had a significant impact on their efforts. It will serve you well.” Tom Sherald was the Former
graduates of Catoctin High School Maggie Doll, Class of 1971, was Catoctin Staff inductee. Sherald
See page 42 for the story. will be recognized.” the Business inductee. She is the retired from the Frederick County
Gus Eyler, Class of 2001, was the owner of Gateway Candyland, a Public School System in 2011, after
Academics inductee. Eyler is a trial family business that has given many thirty-nine years. He spent eighteen
Catoctin students their first job. She of those years teaching at Catoctin
is also very active in the community, High. He spent most of his career
helping with fundraisers for cancer teaching physical education.
patients, school organizations, He told the students that ideally
local events, and location fire and their high school years will prepare
ambulance companies. them for their futures. “The jobs
She encouraged the students to be that many of you do may not even
a part of their community. “Get off exist now,” Sherald said.
the texting. Get a personality. Learn Besides a 2015 Distinguished
to relate to people,” she urged the Graduate Award, each inductee also
students. received Catoctin High-themed gifts.
Residential Customer
The Catoctin Banner Newspaper • 515B East Main Street • Emmitsburg
The Catoctin Your Good News Community Newspaper Serving Northern Frederick County, MD Since 1995
inside Take a Peek Inside at All of Recognized
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Advertisers’ Specials and Coupons
Home Holiday Home James Rada, Jr.
Decorating Contest One is a trial attorney Photo by Peggy Sherald Riley Kate Robinson,
Contest Winner with the U.S. Department Class of 2006, was
the Athletics inductee.
of Justice. One is a local
businesswoman. One Robinson was a three-
See page 5 for the story. is a police chief. One sport athlete while
is a college coach. One at Catoctin High.
is a retired Catoctin She took that love
Thurmont High School teacher. of sports with her
They are all part of the
and had a successful
Downtown group of first recipients college athletic career
Revitalization of the Catoctin High and has become a
Project Distinguished Graduate successful college
Complete Awards. coach. In 2014, she
Principal Bernard was named first-ever
See page 11 for the story. Quesada told the gathered head women’s lacrosse
seniors and freshmen that coach at Whitman
each year Catoctin High College in Washington.
Thurmont School graduates students Pictured from left are Maggie Doll, Rachel Olson, Chief Gregg Eyler, Principal yourself,” Robinson
Bernard Quesada, Gus Eyler, Kate Robinson, Tom Sherald, and Keith Bruck.
who leave their mark on
Little League the world. “Since our first said. “Don’t be afraid of
Celebrates graduating class, Catoctin High attorney in the U.S. Department of failure. Make your moments count.”
65 Seasons School has served as a landmark for Justice’s Criminal Fraud Section. Greg Eyler, Class of 1974, was
of Baseball in success,” he said. He also serves as a Special Assistant the Public Service inductee. After
2016 The honorees were selected U.S. Attorney in the District of retiring from a twenty-five-year
See page 23 for the story. by the Distinguished Graduate Maryland. While a Catoctin student, career with the Frederick County
he played sports, served in student
Sheriff’s Office in 2005, he was
Organization, which formed over
the summer. The organization government organizations, and was appointed the Chief of Police for
established the awards “To a member of the National Honor Thurmont.
The Present recognize distinguished graduates of Society. He lives in Kensington, Eyler urged the students to
Past: “A Well Catoctin in the areas of Academics, Maryland, with his family. make a difference with their lives.
Eyler praised the education he had
Manored Arts & Humanities, Athletics, received at Catoctin High. “Learn “Nothing is more powerful, and
Business, and Public Service.
I mean nothing, is more powerful
Family” Former Catoctin staff members who from these people,” he said. “Imitate than determination.”
have had a significant impact on their efforts. It will serve you well.” Tom Sherald was the Former
graduates of Catoctin High School Maggie Doll, Class of 1971, was Catoctin Staff inductee. Sherald
See page 42 for the story. will be recognized.” the Business inductee. She is the retired from the Frederick County
Gus Eyler, Class of 2001, was the owner of Gateway Candyland, a Public School System in 2011, after
Academics inductee. Eyler is a trial family business that has given many thirty-nine years. He spent eighteen
Catoctin students their first job. She of those years teaching at Catoctin
is also very active in the community, High. He spent most of his career
helping with fundraisers for cancer teaching physical education.
patients, school organizations, He told the students that ideally
local events, and location fire and their high school years will prepare
ambulance companies. them for their futures. “The jobs
She encouraged the students to be that many of you do may not even
a part of their community. “Get off exist now,” Sherald said.
the texting. Get a personality. Learn Besides a 2015 Distinguished
to relate to people,” she urged the Graduate Award, each inductee also
students. received Catoctin High-themed gifts.
Residential Customer
The Catoctin Banner Newspaper • 515B East Main Street • Emmitsburg