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Page 10 October 2015 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
C o m m u n i t y news

Deputy from Emmitsburg Saves Man’s Life Zumba Class Held to Support Breast Cancer

James Rada, Jr. Program

Frederick County Sheriff’s Ruopoli’s son began to tell the Courtesy Photo
Deputy Tony Ruopoli is used to gathering crowd that Ruopoli was
seeing accidents after the damage is a deputy, which is something that
done, and then reconstructing what Ruopoli realized that he hadn’t
happened. However, that all changed done.
in August, when Ruopoli was driving He reached into the car and felt
home to Emmitsburg with his family for the man’s pulse. It was there, but
and he witnessed a van and car something needed to be done to get
collide on U.S. 15 North. the man breathing again.
“The car cut across the road, hit Ruopoli freed the man’s trapped
the embankment, and went up in legs and then was able to roll
the air and came down on its roof,” him around gently, relieving the
Ruopoli said. pressure on his neck and lay him
Ruopoli stopped his car and out in the car. He then cleared
rushed over to the accident scene, the man’s airway and began chest
while his wife dialed 911. The compressions.
female passenger had her legs After a while, the injured man
wedged between the seat and door. spit up a little and began breathing.
He managed to open the door and The color came back into his body,
free her legs. He said that she was and his eyes began moving. Zumba participants posed for a quick photograph prior to class at the Fort Ritchie Community
mumbling, but alive. Trooper 3 landed in the Center.
Then he saw the driver. The man southbound lanes of U.S. 15, and
was hanging upside down in his seat the paramedics placed the man on Participants in Zumba at the Fort Ritchie Community Center made a
belt; his head was against the roof of a back board to transport him to financial contribution to Breast Cancer Awareness of the Cumberland Valley
the car in such a way that his weight the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma (BCA-CV). Heather DeLauter, a Zumba instructor at the community center,
was on his neck. Center in Baltimore. organized a special session of the class in which participants made a donation
“He was blue,” Ruopoli said. The woman passenger and instead of paying the usual class fee.
“His hands, his face, his feet were woman van driver were taken to “It was Heather’s idea to hold the class, and she had lots of support
blue. He wasn’t breathing.” Frederick Memorial Hospital for from her friends and family,” said Buck Browning, executive director of the
Ruopoli rushed around to the treatment. Ruopoli later contacted community center. “She and the participants wanted to do something special to
driver’s door and opened it. A the female passenger and found honor the memory of some close friends,” he added.
woman who had gotten out of her out that the man had been released Unfortunately, DeLauter has seen the impact breast cancer can have in a
car to help told Ruopoli that she from Shock Trauma and was in a family and a community. She has two friends that have each lost their mothers
had emergency dispatch on the line, rehabilitation hospital. He had to recently to breast cancer. She said that the $324.00 raised from the one-hour
and they were telling her to leave the have neck surgery, but he is expected class is being donated to Breast Cancer Awareness of the Cumberland Valley, in
man alone in case moving him made to recover. memory of Shanda Eyler and Tricia Clopper.
his injuries worse. If not for Ruopoli’s actions, “Thank you to Heather and her Zumba participants from the Fort Ritchie
Ruopoli told her, “He’s not the man might have died before Community Center for raising these funds to support our mission,” said Janet
breathing. If I don’t do something, emergency services personnel could Lung, executive director of BCA-CV. “What an awesome way to give back to
he’s going to be dead.” have reached him. the community.”

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