Page 4 - november 2015 web issue
P. 4
Page 4 November 2015 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Thurmont and Emmitsburg
Town Hall Reports

at Vigilant Hose Company. Trick or Although the town will have to
From the Mayor treat time is 5:45-6:45 p.m. allocate the money for repairs initially,
Emmitsburg I attended the county executive, it is expecting to be reimbursed by the
mayors, and burgess meeting on insurance company of the driver that
by Mayor Briggs October 8, where the main issues were crashed into the statue on June 17.
county-municipality tax equalization
Doughboy update: The town and a presentation by the Frederick However, the insurance company has
apparently been less than helpful.
has gone through all of the steps County Homeless Coalition. The “We may have to bring our
prescribed by the State of Maryland tax equalization formula will stay attorney in to push forward with the
and our advertised and sealed bid the same. Proposed changes would insurance company,” Haller told the
process. We are now going back and have increased benefits to the commissioners.
forth on details with the contractor. City of Frederick and Brunswick, The commissioners also heard
Repair work will commence after the while decreasing benefits to other public input about the monument.
town council approves repair costs municipalities. Two issues have been raised. One is
at a future town meeting in October. I’ve recently had three that the monument would be moved
Thank you, town staff, for your meetings with the State Highway from its place at the west end of Main
diligence in bringing this about. Administration (SHA). Two were Street. The second is that the names of suggested using a 50/50 split, with
It is always an honor to give the at the town office on the square the African-American servicemen are half of the fund balance being left
welcoming remarks at the National revitalization and an update on segregated on the plaque, and some in escrow and the other half being
Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service. tourism signage. The third meeting citizens have expressed interest in spent.
This year, President Obama spoke and will be held at SHA main office in having that changed. While the funds have had a
gave his personal condolences to each Baltimore to kick off the multi-use Martin Williams, an African positive balance in recent years, the
of the eighty-seven fallen firefighters’ trail connecting the town and Mount American representing the VFW, balance could be negative in a bad
families. With the inclement weather, St. Mary’s University. The Town of said that the Veterans just want the fiscal year. “It won’t always be a
the Saturday night candle service Emmitsburg, Mount St. Mary’s, and monument restored to its pre-accident windfall of funding that we can add
was held at the Basilica and the Frederick County are partners in condition in the same place. As for the to our budget,” Kinnaird said.
Sunday service at Mount St. Mary’s this effort, which will receive eighty wording, he said that it was not racist. Commissioner Marty Burns said
University. The occasion was very percent of its funding from federal and “That’s the way things were worded he wouldn’t mind that, but the board
special. state funds. back then,” Williams said. should also consider having a cap to
Congratulations to Emmitsburg Tom Hoke pointed out that he the amount left in escrow so that it
resident, Conrad Weaver, on winning Emmitsburg could recall at least two previous wouldn’t grow to be an unreasonable
a Regional Emmy Award for his October 2015 times where the monument was amount. He would like to see the
documentary, The Great American vandalized. Rather than try to change town have a $3 million reserve.
Wheat Harvest. Conrad is active in by James Rada, Jr. it, the monument was simply repaired Kinnaird is going to draft a
the community and a member of the and put back up. policy that he will present to the
Emmitsburg Business and Professional New Receptionist Hired Sharon Williams said that commissioners so that it can be
Association (EBPA). In the aftermath The Town of Emmitsburg has the segregated names was not discussed and the details worked out.
of his win, Conrad is not resting on hired a full-time receptionist to disrespectful to the African American Commissioners Order New
his laurels, he is working on a second replace the temporary receptionists soldiers, but leaving the monument Christmas Decorations
documentary about farming, called who have recently been working at laying against the base for as long With new light poles throughout
Thirsty Land. the front desk of the town office. as it did before being moved to the Thurmont, the commissioners voted
Congratulations to Commissioners Terri Ray, who was one of the sewer plant for temporary storage was to spend $9,656 on new Christmas
Tim O’Donnell and Cliff Sweeney on previous temporary receptionists, disrespectful to all Veterans. decorations for the sixty-two new
being reelected to the town council. will now be working full-time. Town Manager Dave Haller light poles in town. Each lamp pole
I’m looking forward to working with explained that even though the town will be wrapped in eleven-foot pine
both of you again. Snow Emergency Plan Revised had the equipment to move the garland, and the first four poles out
The Town of Emmitsburg The Snow Emergency Plan in monument, it was not considered in any direction from the square will
submitted its application for Emmitsburg was revised. When the qualified to do so by the state. “We have a three-foot wreath with lights
“Sustainable Maryland Certified” Snow Emergency Plan is in effect, would have wiped out our chance to and a bow on them. Each pole will
designation. According to our there will be no parking on cul-de- get financial support from the state,” also have a large ribbon on it.
records, the town has earned sacs in Southgate, Northgate, Emmit Haller said. The commissioners will The commissioners discussed
enough points from its LED street Gardens, Brookfield, Warthens discuss how to move forward at a variations on how many light poles
lights, solar projects, and other Way, and Waycross Court. In future meeting. should have the wreaths, which cost
sustainable projects to receive the addition, there will be no parking on For more information about the $188 each. Commissioner Marty
State of Maryland award. The Creamery Way. Also, there be no on- Town of Emmitsburg, log onto www. Burns hoped to do a test pole with
award ceremony will be conducted street parking, except along one side or call 301-600- only one wreath to see if residents
on October 27 at the Maryland of Silo Hill Parkway and between 2 6300. like the decorations first.
Municipal League Fall Conference University Drive and 19 Robindale. “I’d rather do one and make the
at the Hyatt Hotel in Cambridge, “It’s allowing them to clean the right call,” Burns said.
Maryland. streets better, if we can keep these Thurmont However, the order needed to be
At an upcoming meeting, the cul-de-sacs open,” Town Manager October 2015 placed too soon for this to work.
town commissioners will vote on the Dave Haller told the commissioners. The angels that will no longer
Mayor’s proposed nuisance ordinance Doughboy Repairs Moving Forward by James Rada, Jr. work on the new poles will be placed
that places a greater responsibility on The Town of Emmitsburg received on poles on Church Street, Frederick
the landlords for tenant disturbances. one bid to do repairs to the Doughboy Board Moves to Reallocate its Fund Road, and in the Community Park.
The Lions Club, as always, was WWI Memorial at the end of West Balance
very busy in October organizing the Main St. It was an incomplete bid, Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird View the Town of Thurmont’s
Halloween events. The parade will though. Depending on closed-session asked the board to reconsider how website at or
begin at 7:00 p.m. at DePaul Street discussions about the contract, it may it allocates the various budget fund call the town office at 301-271-7313
and Federal Avenue, and then a party need to a re-bid. balances at the end of each year. He for more information.
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