Page 11 - november 2015 web issue
P. 11
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper November 2015 Page 11
National Fallen Firefighters — Continued from page 1
weather forced both events to be for providing a location to hold the of a firefighter, Photo by Bill Rowe, Courtesy of NFFF
moved indoors. candlelight service. the question is
The candlelight service on October “On behalf of the foundation, I not about them—
3 was held inside the Basilica of the would like to thank the Daughters it’s about who
National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann of Charity and recognize Father they serve,” said
Seton. The evening service, which Frank,” said Chief Dennis Compton, Fugate. “They
was closed to the public, provided a chairman of the board for the never think about
comforting and serene atmosphere for NFFF. “They offered their assistance if they’ll go home.
families and friends to mourn their immediately and in a genuine display They always think
loved ones. Throughout the service, of compassion . . . we could not ask about who they’re
musical pieces were performed, for a better neighbor.” helping, who
tributes were read, and prayers For the memorial service on they’re serving,
were offered in honor of the fallen October 4, all proceedings were oftentimes at great
firefighters. All the while, the names moved from the National Shrine of sacrifice.”
and faces of the eighty-seven fallen St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to Mount As Fugate
heroes were displayed on a projector St. Mary’s Knott Arena in the PNC concluded his The luminarias, created by family members and friends of the fallen
for all to see. Sports Complex. The service, which remarks, he ireighters, sit on the altar rail at the Basilica of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
The centerpieces of the began at 10:00 a.m., was open to the introduced
candlelight service were eighty- public. President Obama. In speaking to he officially unveiled the 2014
seven luminarias that were placed The memorial service began with the audience about the firefighting memorial plaque, to be mounted
along the altar rails. Prior to the a tolling of bells and a procession of profession, the president drew on on the National Fallen Firefighters
event, families and friends created flags led by the honor guard and the Christian scripture and lauded Memorial. Obama then personally
and decorated a small luminaria pipes and drums. The American flag firefighters for being their brother’s met with each of the families of
for each of the eighty-seven fallen and the NFFF flag were processed keeper. the fallen firefighters. After each
firefighters. Many of the luminarias in first, followed by the flags of the “Every single day, across our family met with the president, they
were decorated with stickers and fire departments that lost firefighters. country, men and women leave their were presented with a folded flag, a
drawings, and each featured a At the end of the procession, active homes and their families so that they personalized fire badge, and a single
portrait of a fallen firefighter. These duty firefighters carried a folded flag might save the lives of people they’ve red rose. Each of the flags had been
luminarias remained lit throughout for each of the eighty-seven fallen never met,” Obama said. “They previously flown over the National
the candlelight service, casting firefighters. are good stewards, serving their Fallen Firefighters Memorial and the
a warm light upon all who were Following the flag procession, the neighborhoods, their communities, Capitol dome.
gathered. national anthem, and the pledge of our nation, with courage and Once all of the families had met
An eighty-eighth luminaria stood allegiance, all of those gathered were fortitude and strength. We can never with the president, the bells were
above the others in front of the altar, greeted by Mayor Don Briggs of repay them fully for their sacrifices.” tolled the traditional fifteen times to
to honor the sacrifices of all fallen Emmitsburg and Frederick County Obama also offered his signal a final farewell to the fallen
firefighters. Tamie Rehak Vjotesak of Executive Jan Gardner. Both officials condolences and those of all heroes. The Rev. Thomas Mulcrone
Virginia, whose husband died in the thanked the families present for the Americans to the families and friends of the Chicago fire department
line of duty in 2002, lit the honorary sacrifices of their loved ones, lauding of the fallen firefighters. offered a final prayer, commending
luminaria midway through the event. the heroes for their bravery in the “Words alone cannot ease the the fallen heroes and their families to
“It is a traditional Hispanic face of danger. pain of your loss,” Obama said to the care of God.
custom to display luminarias on Congressman Steny Hoyer the grieving who were gathered. While the 2015 National Fallen
the eve of an important event,” of Maryland then addressed the “But perhaps it helps a little bit to Firefighters Memorial Weekend has
said Rehak Vjotesak. “On the eve crowd, offering his condolences know that the American people passed, the NFFF is still offering
of the National Fallen Firefighters to the grieving and highly praising stand with you in honoring your ways to honor the fallen heroes.
Memorial Service, we display these the fallen for their courage and loved ones. We admire them, we Names and biographical information
lighted tributes in honor of the willingness to sacrifice themselves. cherish the work that they do, and for all of the eighty-seven fallen
eighty-seven heroes that we honor “Here in Emmitsburg we inscribe we hold you in our hearts today and firefighters can be found online
and remember.” the names of loved ones and always.” at Donations to the
The light of the honorary heroes—it is a place we can come After Obama concluded his Foundation in their honor can also
luminaria was then ceremoniously to remember those who have fallen speech to a standing ovation, be made at the same website.
passed to all gathered at the event. in the service of their communities,
Gail Fowler of New York, whose of their neighbors, and of our ads @ thecatoctinbanner .com
husband died in the line of duty in country,” said Hoyer. “It is a place
1997, carried the light in the form of where all of us can find solace and
a small electric candle. She touched fill those empty spaces in our hearts
the light of her candle to others, through the power of love and
who turned on their electric candles remembrance.”
and passed on the light in a similar Following Congressman Hoyer’s
manner. remarks, live broadcast feed of
The candlelight service concluded Memorial Park was projected,
with the performance of a new song, showing the placement of the
written this year and performed by presidential wreath at the National
singer/songwriter David Carroll. Fallen Firefighters Memorial.
Entitled “The Fallen and the Immediately following, Chief
Brave,” the song drew on Carroll’s Ernest Mitchell of the United States
experience as a volunteer firefighter. Fire Administration and FEMA
Several times throughout the administrator W. Craig Fugate also
service, members of the National addressed the crowd. Both men
Fallen Firefighters Foundation strongly praised all firefighters for
(NFFF) thanked the Daughters of their service to the country.
Charity and the Rev. Frank Sacks “If you really look into the heart
National Fallen Firefighters — Continued from page 1
weather forced both events to be for providing a location to hold the of a firefighter, Photo by Bill Rowe, Courtesy of NFFF
moved indoors. candlelight service. the question is
The candlelight service on October “On behalf of the foundation, I not about them—
3 was held inside the Basilica of the would like to thank the Daughters it’s about who
National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann of Charity and recognize Father they serve,” said
Seton. The evening service, which Frank,” said Chief Dennis Compton, Fugate. “They
was closed to the public, provided a chairman of the board for the never think about
comforting and serene atmosphere for NFFF. “They offered their assistance if they’ll go home.
families and friends to mourn their immediately and in a genuine display They always think
loved ones. Throughout the service, of compassion . . . we could not ask about who they’re
musical pieces were performed, for a better neighbor.” helping, who
tributes were read, and prayers For the memorial service on they’re serving,
were offered in honor of the fallen October 4, all proceedings were oftentimes at great
firefighters. All the while, the names moved from the National Shrine of sacrifice.”
and faces of the eighty-seven fallen St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to Mount As Fugate
heroes were displayed on a projector St. Mary’s Knott Arena in the PNC concluded his The luminarias, created by family members and friends of the fallen
for all to see. Sports Complex. The service, which remarks, he ireighters, sit on the altar rail at the Basilica of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
The centerpieces of the began at 10:00 a.m., was open to the introduced
candlelight service were eighty- public. President Obama. In speaking to he officially unveiled the 2014
seven luminarias that were placed The memorial service began with the audience about the firefighting memorial plaque, to be mounted
along the altar rails. Prior to the a tolling of bells and a procession of profession, the president drew on on the National Fallen Firefighters
event, families and friends created flags led by the honor guard and the Christian scripture and lauded Memorial. Obama then personally
and decorated a small luminaria pipes and drums. The American flag firefighters for being their brother’s met with each of the families of
for each of the eighty-seven fallen and the NFFF flag were processed keeper. the fallen firefighters. After each
firefighters. Many of the luminarias in first, followed by the flags of the “Every single day, across our family met with the president, they
were decorated with stickers and fire departments that lost firefighters. country, men and women leave their were presented with a folded flag, a
drawings, and each featured a At the end of the procession, active homes and their families so that they personalized fire badge, and a single
portrait of a fallen firefighter. These duty firefighters carried a folded flag might save the lives of people they’ve red rose. Each of the flags had been
luminarias remained lit throughout for each of the eighty-seven fallen never met,” Obama said. “They previously flown over the National
the candlelight service, casting firefighters. are good stewards, serving their Fallen Firefighters Memorial and the
a warm light upon all who were Following the flag procession, the neighborhoods, their communities, Capitol dome.
gathered. national anthem, and the pledge of our nation, with courage and Once all of the families had met
An eighty-eighth luminaria stood allegiance, all of those gathered were fortitude and strength. We can never with the president, the bells were
above the others in front of the altar, greeted by Mayor Don Briggs of repay them fully for their sacrifices.” tolled the traditional fifteen times to
to honor the sacrifices of all fallen Emmitsburg and Frederick County Obama also offered his signal a final farewell to the fallen
firefighters. Tamie Rehak Vjotesak of Executive Jan Gardner. Both officials condolences and those of all heroes. The Rev. Thomas Mulcrone
Virginia, whose husband died in the thanked the families present for the Americans to the families and friends of the Chicago fire department
line of duty in 2002, lit the honorary sacrifices of their loved ones, lauding of the fallen firefighters. offered a final prayer, commending
luminaria midway through the event. the heroes for their bravery in the “Words alone cannot ease the the fallen heroes and their families to
“It is a traditional Hispanic face of danger. pain of your loss,” Obama said to the care of God.
custom to display luminarias on Congressman Steny Hoyer the grieving who were gathered. While the 2015 National Fallen
the eve of an important event,” of Maryland then addressed the “But perhaps it helps a little bit to Firefighters Memorial Weekend has
said Rehak Vjotesak. “On the eve crowd, offering his condolences know that the American people passed, the NFFF is still offering
of the National Fallen Firefighters to the grieving and highly praising stand with you in honoring your ways to honor the fallen heroes.
Memorial Service, we display these the fallen for their courage and loved ones. We admire them, we Names and biographical information
lighted tributes in honor of the willingness to sacrifice themselves. cherish the work that they do, and for all of the eighty-seven fallen
eighty-seven heroes that we honor “Here in Emmitsburg we inscribe we hold you in our hearts today and firefighters can be found online
and remember.” the names of loved ones and always.” at Donations to the
The light of the honorary heroes—it is a place we can come After Obama concluded his Foundation in their honor can also
luminaria was then ceremoniously to remember those who have fallen speech to a standing ovation, be made at the same website.
passed to all gathered at the event. in the service of their communities,
Gail Fowler of New York, whose of their neighbors, and of our ads @ thecatoctinbanner .com
husband died in the line of duty in country,” said Hoyer. “It is a place
1997, carried the light in the form of where all of us can find solace and
a small electric candle. She touched fill those empty spaces in our hearts
the light of her candle to others, through the power of love and
who turned on their electric candles remembrance.”
and passed on the light in a similar Following Congressman Hoyer’s
manner. remarks, live broadcast feed of
The candlelight service concluded Memorial Park was projected,
with the performance of a new song, showing the placement of the
written this year and performed by presidential wreath at the National
singer/songwriter David Carroll. Fallen Firefighters Memorial.
Entitled “The Fallen and the Immediately following, Chief
Brave,” the song drew on Carroll’s Ernest Mitchell of the United States
experience as a volunteer firefighter. Fire Administration and FEMA
Several times throughout the administrator W. Craig Fugate also
service, members of the National addressed the crowd. Both men
Fallen Firefighters Foundation strongly praised all firefighters for
(NFFF) thanked the Daughters of their service to the country.
Charity and the Rev. Frank Sacks “If you really look into the heart