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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper July 2015 Page 39

july community calendar adult; $16/seniors & students. 301-662-3722;
[email protected].
1 ......Thurmont Ministerium Free Summer
Lunch Program (runs June 22-Aug. 21), a.m.-3 p.m. $10/entry. Monies raised help $3. Allison at oakiedokefarms777@gmail. august
Thurmont East End Park (please park cover equipment purchases, league feels,
behind police station), Thurmont. Mon.- scholarships, etc. com or 301-473-0723. 1 ......Other Voices Theatre presents Avenue
Fri. Noon-2 p.m. Different church to for more info. & participant pledge sheet. 20 ....Zumba Gold (low impact) for Seniors, Q, 244B S. Jefferson St., Frederick, MD.
provide program each week. Pastor Sean Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main Mature subject matter; not for children. 8
301-606-3632 or Alice Standbaugh 301- 11 ....Benefit 3rd Archery Shoot, Catoctin Fish St., Thurmont. 10-10:45 a.m. Taught by p.m. $20/adult; $16/seniors & students.
271-2929. & Game in Myersville, MD. Benefit for Melissa from Anytime Fitness. $24/8-session 301-662-3722;office@performingartsfactory.
1 ......50/50 Bingo, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 Grant McCauley Davis. 301-416-0501 or punch card; $5/individual session. 301-271- com.
[email protected].
E. Main St., Thurmont. 1 p.m. Open to 7911. 2 ......The King’s Strings, St. John’s Lutheran
public. Must be 18 to play bingo. 301-271- 12 ....Worship w/Mike Schirf Guitarist and 20-24 ..VBS “Everest – Conquering Challenges Church, 8619 Blacks Mill Rd., Thurmont.
7911. Vocalist, Summerfest Activities for with God’s Mighty Power,” Graceham 3 p.m. Free-will offering to benefit Union
2-4 ...Multi-family Yard Sale, 7711 Blue Mt. Rd., Children, Graceham Moravian Church, Moravian Church, 8231-A Rocky Ridge Church. Refreshments served following
8231-A Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. 9:15
Rd., Thurmont. 6:30 -8:45 p.m. Children
Thurmont. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. a.m. 301-271-2379. All welcome. ages 3 through 5th grade (completed) program. Viola Noffsinger vmnoff@gmail.
5 ......Holy Communion in Remembrance of the 12 ....Music on the Deck Concert, Thurmont invited. Register: www.gracehammoravian. com or 301-418-1760. www.thekingsstrings.
600th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Regional Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. org or 301-271-2379 by July 12. com.
John Hus, Czech Reformer: 8:30 a.m. at Paul & Mary, acoustic duo from Thurmont/ 22 ....Wise Wednesday, Thurmont Senior Center, 2 ......Other Voices Theatre presents Avenue Q,
Graceham Cemetery, 8316 Rocky Ridge Woodsboro, play eclectic mix of rock, 244B S. Jefferson St., Frederick, MD. Mature
Rd., Thurmont; 9:15 a.m. at Graceham country and pop, blended into a folksy 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 11:30 a.m. subject matter; not for children. 2 p.m. $20/
Bring in a picture of yourself as a child; see
Moravian Church, 8231-A Rocky Ridge acoustic duo. 2 p.m. adult; $16/seniors & students. 301-662-3722;
Rd., Thurmont. All welcome. if we are wise to tell who is who. Call to [email protected].
reserve a lunch. 301-271-7911.
6-11 ...Carnival, sponsored by Guardian Hose 12 ....Sunday Night Worship at the Promise Land, 2 ......Union Church in Creagerstown (8619
Tom’s Creek UMC, Emmitsburg. Worship
Company, East Main St., Thurmont. Live each Sunday at 6 p.m. (rain or shine). 23-25 ..Seussical Jr., presented by Thurmont Blacks Mill RD, Thurmont, MD 21788)
music every night, rides, raffles, games for all Continues through August 30. Music, will be The Kings Strings. 3 p.m. Free Event
ages, parade, & more! Tickets: Woodsboro communion, guest speaker. 301-447-3171. Thurmont American Legion auditorium, 8 with donations toward restoration of the
Park Ln., Thurmont. 7:30 p.m. $15/person.
Bank, PNC Bank, InTowne Barbers, Direct Feel free to bring water bottle, bug spray church Viola 301-418-1760.
To You, Gateway Liquors & Candyland, & chair if you’d be more comfortable than Reservations: 301-271-7613. 8 ......Annual Blessings Day (Giant Yard Sale where
at 21 N. Church St. (Sat. 9 a.m.-noon; Sun. sitting on the wooden benches. 24,25..Other Voices Theatre presents Avenue Q, everything is free), Mt. View Ministries, 103
2-4 p.m.), and at carnival grounds (July 4-5, 244B S. Jefferson St., Frederick, MD. Mature Apples Church Rd., Thurmont. 8 a.m.-2
9-5 p.m.) 12 ....Lewistown Ruritan Chicken Barb-B-Q, US subject matter; not for children. 8 p.m. $20/ p.m. Clothing, appliances, housewares,
6 ......“Served with Grace” Free Community Meal 15 & Fish Hatchery Road, Lewistown. adult; $16/seniors & students. 301-662- toys, crafts & more. 301-271-9088.
3722; [email protected].
(first Monday each month), Graceham 12,19,26, August 2&9 ....Vacation Bible School, 9 ......Lewistown Ruritan Chicken Barb-B-Q, US
Moravian Church, 8231-A Rocky Ridge Elias Lutheran Church FREE 10:30 - 12 25 ....Eat the Farm – An Artisanal Tasting Event 15 & Fish Hatchery Road, Lewistown.
Rd., Thurmont. 5:30-7 p.m. All welcome. a.m. Free. Connie Fisher 301-447-2805 or – Homeshed Kitchens, Fox Haven Organic 13 ....Nighttime on the Deck, Thurmont Regional
6 ......Music and Worship with Guitarist and email Renata Provence at treestar88@aol. Farm, 3630 Poffenberger Rd., Jefferson, Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. Mr. Jon
com to pre-register or to help.
Vocalist Mike Schirf, Graceham Moravian MD. 7-9 p.m. $65/guest. Limited to 24 & Friends. 6:30 p.m. A Parents’ Choice
guests. Deadline purchase seats July 11:
Church, 8231-A Rocky Ridge Rd., 13 ....Zumba Gold (low impact) for Seniors, Award-winning musical show for kids and
Thurmont. 7:15-8 p.m. (following Served Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main [email protected] or 240-490- families.
with Grace Free Community Meal.) All St., Thurmont. 10-10:45 a.m. Taught by 15 ....Johnsville UMC Peach/Yard Sale, Johnsville
welcome. Melissa from Anytime Fitness. $24/8-session 26 .....Seussical Jr., presented by Thurmont United Methodist Church Grounds,
6 ......Zumba Gold (low impact) for Seniors, punch card; $5/individual session. 301-271- Thespians Summer Youth Theater, 11106 Green Valley Rd. (Rt. 75), between
Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main Thurmont American Legion auditorium, Libertytown and Union Bridge, MD. 8
8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 2 p.m. $15/person.
St., Thurmont. 10-10:45 a.m. Taught by 15 ....50/50 Bingo, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 a.m.-2 p.m. Food served all day. $15/yard
Melissa from Anytime Fitness. $24/8-session E. Main St., Thurmont. 1 p.m. Open to Reservations: 301-271-7613. sale space. 410-775-7217.
punch card; $5/individual session. 301-271- public. Must be 18 to play bingo. 301-271- 26 ....Other Voices Theatre presents Avenue 15 ....Sabillasville Community Picnic at pavilion
7911. 7911. Q, 244B S. Jefferson St., Frederick, off Harbaugh Valley Road (behind church).
7 ......Wellness 101 Conscious Eating Class – 15 ....Speaker: Lisa Ziegler from the Gardner’s MD. Mature subject matter; not for Sponsored by St. John’s United Church
children. 2 p.m. $20/adult; $16/seniors
Wellness 101 series, Fox Haven Organic Way, Lakeside Hall at Fort Ritchie, Lakeside & students. 301-662-3722;office@ of Christ. 3 p.m. Eat there or take out. If
Farm, 3630 Poffenberger Rd., Jefferson, Drive, Cascade, MD. 10:00 a.m. Cost: $12 inclement weather: come to St. John’s Parish
MD. 7 p.m. for lecture and shop, $8 for optional lunch. Hall.
8 ......Wacky Wednesday, Thurmont Senior Mail check made payable to the Blue Ridge 26 ....Concert on The Lawn, Featuring “Five and
Garden Club to: Ms. Eunice Statler, 11465
a Half Men”, St. John’s Lutheran Church,
Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 12:30 Pine Hill Drive, Waynesboro, PA 17268.
p.m. Bring in a joke to tell after lunch. Call 8619 Blacks Mill Road, Creagerstown.
Music from the 60s. 6:00 p.m. Free hot
to reserve lunch. 301-271-7911. 16-18 ..Seussical Jr., presented by Thurmont dogs and drinks, bring lawn chairs. Hire A Veteran
9 ......Parade, Main St., Thurmont. 6:30 p.m. Thespians Summer Youth Theater, 27 ....Mackenzie’s Light Bereavement & Drug
Thurmont American Legion auditorium, 8
Rain or Shine. Sponsored by Guardian Park Ln., Thurmont. 7:30 p.m. $15/person.
Hose Co. Reservations: 301-271-7613. Awareness Support Group, Thurmont The new Maryland Veteran job program
Regional Library, Thurmont. 6:30 p.m.
9 ......Free Beading Class by Teresa for Seniors, 18 ....Mt. Tabor Church of Rocky Ridge holding “Breaking through the sorrow for a brighter launches July 1, 2015. If you wish to
Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Peach Festival at Mt. Tabor Park (home of tomorrow.” 301-524-8064 or Facebook. participate and employ job seeking
Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. 301-271-7911. the big slide), Rocky Ridge, MD. 4 p.m. 27 ....Zumba Gold (low impact) for Seniors, Veterans, you may access veterans at
9 ......Emmitsburg Company 26 Ambulance Music by “Full Effect” from 6-9 p.m. Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main
Community Blood Drive (in meeting Fun for all ages. Sunday School collecting St., Thurmont. 10-10:45 a.m. Taught by
room), Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. 2:30-8 gently used shoes as fundraiser for teaching Melissa from Anytime Fitness. $24/8-session
p.m. Robert Dinterman 301-447-2465 to materials. punch card; $5/individual session. 301-271-
schedule your life saving appointment. 19 ....Worship in the Taize form, Prayer and 7911.
10 ....CANA (Christian Adults Nurturing Anointing for Healing, Summerfest Activities 27-31 ..Family VBS: Mega Sports Camp II, Mt.
Another) sponsoring a Summer Evening for Children, Graceham Moravian Church, View Ministries, 103 Apples Church
Gathering (w/dinner and activities), 8231-A Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. 9:15 Rd., Thurmont. 7:30-8 p.m. Classes for
Graceham Moravian Church, 8231-A a.m. 301-271-2379. All welcome. Kindergarten through 5th grade; parents/
Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. Open to all 19 .....Seussical Jr., presented by Thurmont guardians welcome to stay. 301-271-9088.
single adults, ages 30 and above. 6:30 p.m. Thespians Summer Youth Theater,
301-271-2379. Thurmont American Legion auditorium, 28 ....Cupcake & Cake Decorating for Seniors,
Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St.,
11 ....Field Day at Fox Haven, Fox Haven Farm 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 2 p.m. $15/person. Thurmont. 1 p.m. $2/person. 301-271-
and Learning Center, 3630 Poffenberger Reservations: 301-271-7613. 7911.
Rd., Jefferson, MD. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. $15/Field 19 ....Taste of Frederick, Nymeo Field at Harry 29 ....Wild Wednesday, Thurmont Senior Center,
Day; $20/Children’s Program. Register/info.: Grove Stadium, Frederick, MD. 12:00-3 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 11:30 a.m.
JoAnn [email protected]/240-490- p.m. Tickets: $25/advance, $30/at door, Wear a crazy hat. Visit or call & reserve
5484. Garden-to-Table dinner workshop 4-8 12 & under are FREE. Frederick Keys lunch. 301-271-7911.
p.m. (pre-registration necessary). website or
11 ....Community Yard Sale, Thurmont Senior Advance pricing ends Wednesday, July 15 at 30 ....Nighttime on the Deck, Thurmont Regional
Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 7 a.m.- midnight. Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. Awesome
Animals from Fountain Rock Nature
2 p.m. Open to public. $10/space (must 19 ....Christmas in July Quartermania,
supply own table & chairs). Reserve your Woodsboro American Legion Auxiliary, Center. 6 p.m. & 7 p.m.
space: 301-271-7911. Rain or shine. 101 W. Elizabeth Street, Woodsboro, MD. 31 ....Other Voices Theatre presents Avenue Q,
11 ....Catoctin Youth Association Punt, Pass & Doors open noon, bidding begins 1:30 p.m. 244B S. Jefferson St., Frederick, MD. Mature
subject matter; not for children. 8 p.m. $20/
Kick Challenge, Eyler Field, Thurmont. 11 $5/advance, $10/door. Additional paddles
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