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Inspiring Future Helicopter Pilots and Mechanics

Alisha Yocum

Captain Roy Taylor, WBAL TV 11 News (Baltimore) Helicopter Pilot and Reporter, flew the Sky Team 11 helicopter in for the Helicopter Aviation Youth Program.

The inaugural Flight Line Helicopter Aviation Youth Program, hosted by In The Air (ITA) Services, LLC, in Taneytown, Maryland, from June 26-28, was brimming with stories shared between aviators and high school students.

During my visit, local helicopter pilots and mechanics were present to discuss their diverse career paths in helicopter aviation, with many having started as mechanics before becoming pilots. Their experiences ranged from fighting forest fires and reporting news to working on power lines and serving in the U.S. Army National Guard, showcasing a wide array of career opportunities.

Maurice “Skip” Messersmith, a retired commercial helicopter pilot and Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), from Fairfield, Pennsylvania, shared his story of how he transitioned from teaching hang gliding to becoming a helicopter pilot. For him and many others in attendance, a career in helicopter aviation has allowed them to travel all around the world.

Gary Dahlen of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, is also a retired commercial helicopter pilot and CFI. Dahlen was the recipient of the Appareo Pilot of the Year Award in 2015, and he shared his moving story of saving 12 firefighters who were stranded in a California wildfire. He used his helicopter to lead the men to safety and even had the honor of one of the firefighters naming his son after him.

Ten high school students attended the program, which included a combination of classroom instruction, hands-on interaction with aircraft components, discussions with current and retired aviators, and a ride in a helicopter.

The program was the idea of company owner Craig Bowen, along with Chief Pilot Joe Stambaugh, commercial helicopter pilot and Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). Bowen and Stambaugh know firsthand the need across the country for pilots, mechanics, and support roles in helicopter aviation. According to Boeing’s 2021 Pilot Outlook Report, there will be a shortage of approximately 61,000 helicopter pilots worldwide by 2038. ITA’s hope is that from this program, they will be able to lead more students into the path of helicopter aviation.

Ethan Dillon from Severna Park, Maryland, who is working on his pilot’s license for planes, attended to broaden his knowledge of helicopter aviation as he plans his career path.

“I have learned how intricate the helicopter is and how much more intense it is to fly,” Dillon remarked. Another student, Blake Shelley, shared, “I learned about the inner workings of the helicopters and some of the careers. It is a lot of cool stuff.”

Jayden Brown-Akao of Taneytown is interested in being an engineer, so he attended the program to learn more about the mechanical aspects of the helicopter. Although Brown had never been in a helicopter before, he said he wasn’t nervous as he awaited his turn to take flight.

Kevin Brame, executive director of International Public Safety Leadership and Ethics Institute (IPSLEI), who resides in Carroll Valley, Pennsylvania, attended the event. The nonprofit focuses on leadership development for those serving in public safety and recently started working with youth to introduce them to careers in this sector. The organization sponsored three students for the first year of the program.

“There are so many applications of roto-craft in all elements of public safety, so we were very excited to help out with that. In particular, we are looking to help out kids in challenging situations,” said Brame.

Stambaugh says ITA hopes to hold the program again next year and expand the number of high school students who attend. The company is even exploring options for an adult program.

For more information, you can check out ITA’s website at https:// or follow them on Facebook.

Captain Roy Taylor, WBAL TV 11 News (Baltimore) Helicopter Pilot and Reporter, flew the Sky Team 11 helicopter in for the Helicopter Aviation Youth Program.

Student takes a flight in a helicopter as part of the Helicopter Aviation Youth Program.

Many industry professionals attended the Helicopter Aviation Youth Program and shared stories about their career paths.