Currently viewing the tag: "February 1996 25 Years Ago"

by James Rada, Jr.

February 1921, 100 Years Ago

Stolen Articles Recovered

A number of thefts in Frederick City and the looting of the meat houses of Edward Deweese of near Thurmont and Arthur Wilhide near Deerfield, during the past two weeks, has given Sheriff Wm. O. Wertenbrker (sic) and Deputy Sheriff Charles Klipp all the work they cared for on short notice.

In some manner, the sheriff got on the track of the meat thieves, and the trail led to the home of David H. Reesman, located on the mountain road leading from Thurmont to Eyler’s Valley, and probably a mile to the west of Zentz’s Mills, four miles north of Thurmont. The sheriff had with him deputy Klipp and Ed. Deweese, and when they stopped near the house, the inmates were terribly excited. Percy Reesman and his sister sought hiding places, a friend, Paul Kline took to the road, while Pa and Ma Reesman tried to protect the home from being searched.

After telling their business and producing a search warrant, the Reesman’s told the officers to proceed. After looking around, deputy Klipp uncovered meat that corresponded to that stolen from Deweese, and found also pudding, sausage and backbone meat, such as was taken from Wilhilde. The officers state that four revolvers, a shotgun, rifle and blackjack were found, also numerous pieces of jewelry, silverware, aluminum ware, harness, four kits of tools, fancy dishes, a dozen or more pocket books, one of which contained a Western Maryland pass made to Hubert Joy of Graceham dated 1917, and many other articles.

The elder Reesman and his son Percy and Paci Kline were arrested and brot (sic) to Thurmont, the hams and shoulders supposed to belong to Mr. Deweese, a set of harness, a set of brace and bits, and some other articles being brought along.

                                          – Catoctin Clarion, February 3, 1921

February 1946, 75 Years Ago

Emmitsburg’s First English Bride Arrives

Mrs. Frank Dubel, one of the first English brides to arrive in the United States, has arrived at her new home in Emmitsburg, thrilled beyond measure at her new homeland but still much confused by the mysterious qualities of American money.

The former Miss Dorothy Wilcox, daughter of Frank Wilcox, Salisbury, England, married the then Pfc. Frank Dubel, September 25, 1943, when the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dubel, DePaul street, Emmitburg, was stationed in England.

They were separated when Pfc. Dubel went with the 29th Division into France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. The Emmitsburg soldier returned with his division to the United States to be discharged from the service after the war ended and Mrs. Dubel was seeking a way to the United States.

She had the opporturnity to join her husband when the first group of English brides came to the U.S. on the “Argentina,” which docked in New York, Sunday.

                                          – Gettysburg Times, February 7, 1946

February 1971, 50 Years Ago

VFW Studies Plan For New Ambulance

The VFW ambulance of Emmitsburg was called out 15 times during the period from January 6 through February 3. There were 10 emergency calls handled and 5 non-emergency calls. The vehicle traveled 571 miles and 35 man-hours were used by ambulance personnel.

During a recent Veterans of Foreign Wars meeting, a committee was formed to investigate the possibilities of purchasing a new ambulance that will better serve the community of Emmitsburg. Heading the committee is Leo M. Boyle, ambulance chairman, and helping in an advisory capacity will be Donald Byard, George W. Green, Lumen F. Norris, Roger I. Zurgable, and James Kittinger.

                                          – Emmitsburg Chronicle, February 12, 1971

February 1996, 25 Years Ago

New Shopping Center Expected to Open in March

Silo Hill Village, the new commercial center located adjacent to the Jubilee food store, is slated for opening in six to eight weeks, according to Ed Galligan, local pharmacist and spokesman for the management company, the St. Mary’s Group.

Businesses which will be located in the center include Medicine Plus Pharmacy, Town Video, a tanning salon, and a pizza/Italian restaurant. Three other businesses, a flower/gift shop, a beer/wine store, and a dry cleaner’s are pending.

                          – The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, February 1996