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Dottie Davis

Nominated by: Phyllis Kelly

At 91, Dorothy (Dottie) Davis acknowledges that she is not as active as she once was, but her dedication to the Emmitsburg community remains unwavering. Born and raised in Thurmont, it was after marrying her late husband, Alan Davis, that she moved to Emmitsburg, where she still resides in the home they purchased together.

Dottie credits her husband as the one who got her actively involved as a volunteer. He volunteered as a firefighter with the Vigilant Hose Company, and Dottie became a member of the Ladies Auxiliary, which she has been a member of for over 40 years. As life progressed, soon her son and grandson would volunteer their time in the fire company as well, which meant the family spent a lot of time at the fire hall. In fact, Dorothy even served as president and treasurer for many years.

Dottie’s commitment to the community didn’t stop there. She fondly recalls the day her husband came home and announced, “We just bought The Palms.” The couple owned the restaurant on Main Street in Emmitsburg for 19 years, until Dottie sold it after Alan fell ill and passed away. Owning The Palms was a dream come true for Alan, and during their tenure as business owners, they continued to give back to the community. They ensured the volunteer firefighters were well-fed during emergencies. And it wasn’t just the firefighters that Dottie took care of. At the time, they had many students from Mount St. Mary’s working for them at the restaurant. The couple became like a second set of parents to many of the students who were far away from home.

Dottie became an honorary member of the Mount St. Mary’s Class of 1963, in recognition of all she did for the students.

Over the years, Dottie also served as Chair for numerous breakfasts and dinners at Tom’s Creek United Methodist Church in Emmitsburg.

Her friend, Phyllis Kelly, nominated her for her unwavering love of Emmitsburg.

“Dottie has dedicated her life to the good of the town through many volunteer efforts,” said Kelly.

Despite Dottie’s humility, claiming she hasn’t done anything significant, she cherishes the small-town atmosphere and loves to see how the whole community comes together anytime someone is in need.

Dorothy (Dottie) Davis has been an active volunteer in the Emmitsburg community for decades.