Wyatt’s Update: Up, Out, and About
The Hershey Children’s Hospital and Hershey Rehab, Wyatt Black, of Thurmont, who battled Bacterial Meningitis, was finally able to come home on June 3, 2016. Wyatt is getting better each and every day. His progress is slow and steady, but he is winning the race against this virus. His parents, Chris and Kiona Black, can…
Community Strong, Wyatt Strong!
Deb Spalding We all catch a cold or a flu bug now and then, but at the end of February of this year, 15-year-old Wyatt Black of Thurmont caught a very serious infection: bacterial meningitis. Wyatt is an active, fun, farm-grown teenager. He plays sports, loves baseball, trains, and fire trucks, and is quick with a…
Catoctin Corner
by Avie Hopcraft Winter is finally ending and spring is here! Spring sports have started at Catoctin, and that means that prom and graduation are right around the corner! One big issue that has consumed everyone’s thoughts this month is the condition of one of Catoctin’s students, Wyatt Black. Wyatt Black, a freshman at Catoctin…