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OCTOBER 2016 | Vol. 21 | Issue 10 | Mail Run: 8,498 | Total Print Run: 12,000 Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, MD Since 1995
Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show
60 Years of Educating,
Inspiring, and Entertaining
Photo Captions on Page 13. Deb Spalding David R. Young, a senior at Catoctin High
The 60th Annual Thurmont & School, shows this hog. Carol Robertson,
Emmitsburg Community Show opened with president of the Catoctin Colorfest, Inc.,
the 40th Annual Community Flag Ceremony has been buying it for the last eight years.
at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 9, 2016, at This year, she purchased the hog for $10.50
Catoctin High School. Being its sixtieth year, per pound. It weighed 249 pounds! That’s
former Maryland State FFA Officers from $2,614.50 going into the FFA Alumni
Thurmont, Emmitsburg, and Catoctin High Scholarship Fund. Carol Robertson chuckled
Schools, were cited for their contributions as she said, “I had just been to the grocery
that helped to strengthen our community’s store and spent $1.89 per pound for pork.
agricultural awareness and expansion over Then I went up there [to the livestock
the years. auction] and spent $2,600 on a pig. It’s gotta
The Community Show is sponsored by be a good pig. Best pork ever!”
civic-minded and community-concerned
business people. No admission is charged That same hog was then taken to the
to the public. The show has many different Westminster Livestock Auction, per Carol
parts, all of which either educate, inspire, or Robertson, to be resold. That sale money is
entertain the show-goer, as intended in the then given to the Thurmont Food Bank. So,
Community Show’s mission statement. both organizations benefit.
The Opening Ceremony on Friday evening
kicked off a weekend of civic dinners, Maxine Troxell of Thurmont has been
entertaining concerts, baked goods and entering baked goods into the Community
livestock auctions, farm animal shows, good- Show for years. She has won countless
natured contests, community organization champion and reserve champion ribbons.
and business exhibits, and exhibit entries The sales of her cakes and pies have
of artistic ability, craftsmanship, culinary generated thousands of dollars that benefit
talents, and gardening or farming aptitude. several organizations, including the Catoctin
It’s a little overwhelming to take in all of FFA Alumni, the Catoctin FFA Chapter, and
the aspects of this show. You must experience the Thurmont Grange.
the different parts to truly appreciate the
grandness of it and to soak in the heritage In addition to entering baked goods in
that is celebrated within it. the Community Show exhibits each year,
For example, for the past seventeen Maxine often enters one of her dogs in the
Community Shows, Harold and Peggy Long annual pet show. The pet show is a long-
of Long-View Farms have been donating time Community Show favorite. It is free
the hog that is sold at the livestock auction to enter your canine companion or feline
during the Community Show to benefit the friend in this contest, where the “Longest
FFA Scholarship Fund. Their grandson, Whiskers” and “Waggiest Tails” are two of
the categories judged.
… Continued on page 12
U p & O u t Fo u n d a t i o n Ta k e s O n
U.S.POSTAGE Addiction
ECRWSS “The opiate addiction problem is killing
PRSRT STD PORSeTsAiLdCeUnStiTOalMECRustomer our communities,” recovering addict,
Korey Shorb, said. Therefore, in an effort
The Catoctin Banner Newspaper • 515B East Main Street • Emmitsburg to help others recover, and to possibly
prevent addictive behavior, he started an
organization he dubbed, The Up & Out
See page 21 for the story. Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, MD Since 1995
Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show
60 Years of Educating,
Inspiring, and Entertaining
Photo Captions on Page 13. Deb Spalding David R. Young, a senior at Catoctin High
The 60th Annual Thurmont & School, shows this hog. Carol Robertson,
Emmitsburg Community Show opened with president of the Catoctin Colorfest, Inc.,
the 40th Annual Community Flag Ceremony has been buying it for the last eight years.
at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 9, 2016, at This year, she purchased the hog for $10.50
Catoctin High School. Being its sixtieth year, per pound. It weighed 249 pounds! That’s
former Maryland State FFA Officers from $2,614.50 going into the FFA Alumni
Thurmont, Emmitsburg, and Catoctin High Scholarship Fund. Carol Robertson chuckled
Schools, were cited for their contributions as she said, “I had just been to the grocery
that helped to strengthen our community’s store and spent $1.89 per pound for pork.
agricultural awareness and expansion over Then I went up there [to the livestock
the years. auction] and spent $2,600 on a pig. It’s gotta
The Community Show is sponsored by be a good pig. Best pork ever!”
civic-minded and community-concerned
business people. No admission is charged That same hog was then taken to the
to the public. The show has many different Westminster Livestock Auction, per Carol
parts, all of which either educate, inspire, or Robertson, to be resold. That sale money is
entertain the show-goer, as intended in the then given to the Thurmont Food Bank. So,
Community Show’s mission statement. both organizations benefit.
The Opening Ceremony on Friday evening
kicked off a weekend of civic dinners, Maxine Troxell of Thurmont has been
entertaining concerts, baked goods and entering baked goods into the Community
livestock auctions, farm animal shows, good- Show for years. She has won countless
natured contests, community organization champion and reserve champion ribbons.
and business exhibits, and exhibit entries The sales of her cakes and pies have
of artistic ability, craftsmanship, culinary generated thousands of dollars that benefit
talents, and gardening or farming aptitude. several organizations, including the Catoctin
It’s a little overwhelming to take in all of FFA Alumni, the Catoctin FFA Chapter, and
the aspects of this show. You must experience the Thurmont Grange.
the different parts to truly appreciate the
grandness of it and to soak in the heritage In addition to entering baked goods in
that is celebrated within it. the Community Show exhibits each year,
For example, for the past seventeen Maxine often enters one of her dogs in the
Community Shows, Harold and Peggy Long annual pet show. The pet show is a long-
of Long-View Farms have been donating time Community Show favorite. It is free
the hog that is sold at the livestock auction to enter your canine companion or feline
during the Community Show to benefit the friend in this contest, where the “Longest
FFA Scholarship Fund. Their grandson, Whiskers” and “Waggiest Tails” are two of
the categories judged.
… Continued on page 12
U p & O u t Fo u n d a t i o n Ta k e s O n
U.S.POSTAGE Addiction
ECRWSS “The opiate addiction problem is killing
PRSRT STD PORSeTsAiLdCeUnStiTOalMECRustomer our communities,” recovering addict,
Korey Shorb, said. Therefore, in an effort
The Catoctin Banner Newspaper • 515B East Main Street • Emmitsburg to help others recover, and to possibly
prevent addictive behavior, he started an
organization he dubbed, The Up & Out
See page 21 for the story.