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APRIL 2016 | Vol. 21 | Issue 4 | Mail Run: 8,461 | Total Print Run: 11,500

 Your Good News Community Newspaper Serving Northern Frederick County, MD Since 1995
Community Strong,

Wyatt Strong!

Deb Spalding
Photo by Deb Spalding
We all catch a cold about Wyatt’s condition.
or a flu bug now and What they didn’t
Wyatt Strong! t-shirts for sale at then, but at the end of foresee was that those
Guardian Hose Company. February of this year, updates, via social March 10, 2016, Happy 15th Birthday
15-year-old Wyatt Black media, would spread
of Thurmont caught a to thousands of people.
very serious infection: The updates served to
bacterial meningitis. “rally the troops,” so to
Wyatt is an active, speak, for community
fun, farm-grown members and friends to
teenager. He plays join together and flood
sports, loves baseball, the cosmos with prayers,
trains, and fire trucks, community good will,
and is quick with a joke community spirit, and
to brighten your day. energy—all directed
His extended family towards Wyatt’s battle Catoctin Softball says
is well-known in the against the infection. Happy Birthday Wyatt!
Fill the Boot Fundraiser for Wyatt! area as the proprietors The volume of action
Anna (left) and Lydia Hedrick of Thurmont set
of Catoctin Mountain up a lemonade stand in support of Wyatt Black. people have taken for
Orchard. For generations, “We don’t know Wyatt, but we know how to Wyatt is astounding.
members of the Black sell lemondate.” People chanted “Wyatt!
family have proven Wyatt! Wyatt!” at a
themselves to be valuable members of the fundraiser at the Furnace Bar & Grill in
community and stewards of the land. That Thurmont; local students sent him drawings
tradition continues today with the youngest for his birthday; “Wyatt Strong” t-shirts
generation of Blacks, including Wyatt and are being sold; a “Fill the Boot” fundraiser
his younger brothers, Nathan and Eaves, was held; “Wings for Wyatt” is on-going
contributing to the orchard operation. on Wednesdays at Bollinger’s Restaurant
Miles for Meningitis and “Beat” the His parents, Christopher and Kiona in Thurmont; “Wioters Unite!” wristbands Banners, signs, and marquis remind
van for Wyatt! Black, often show up to community are being sold; and Catoctin High School us to stay strong for Wyatt!
functions with fresh fruit, a pie, or some Baseball is “Team Wyatt.” Catoctin FFA
other orchard-grown offering of good will. sponsored “Miles for Meningitis,” where
You could say, they’ve “got your back” participants were able to “beat” meningitis
regarding your sweet tooth. As of late, the by taking a sledge hammer to a vehicle; a
entire Catoctin Community now has “got TES Talent Show featured Erin Bollinger,
their back,” too! Hayley Bollinger, and Austin Ridenour
When Wyatt began his fight against “Whippin For Wyatt”; Kountry Kitchen
meningitis, he was taken to Penn Restaurant and Cousins ACE Hardware
State Children’s Hospital in Hershey, in Thurmont and Harrington & Sons in
Pennsylvania, where he received exceptional Emmitsburg posted messages for Wyatt on
care. From the beginning of his battle, his their marquees or store windows; a parade
“Whippin’ for Wyatt!” parents took to social media to give updates was held; raffles, auctions, and ribbon drives Proceeds from Miles for Meningitis.
… Continued on page 29 Get well, Wyatt!

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