by James Rada, Jr.


Lions Club Announces Its Volunteer of the Year

Joyce Anthony with the Thurmont Lions Club announced that Missy Zook Grimes is the 2024 Thurmont Volunteer of the Year. Grimes has been very active volunteering with Main Street events and the Thurmont Food Bank. She received a gift card for a local restaurant, and a $400 donation will be made on behalf of the Thurmont Food Bank.

Grimes told the board of commissioners, “I loved every minute o f it (her volunteering).”

This will be the last time the Thurmont Lions Club awards a volunteer of the year. Anthony said that other organizations in town have started doing the same things, so their award has become duplicative.

Water and Sewer Rates to Rise

The Thurmont Board of Commissioners is planning on increasing water and sewer rates by more than 15 percent. The additional revenue generated from the increase will cover the day-to-day costs of running the town’s water and sewer operations. The town will hold a public hearing about the increases at the August 6 town meeting.

Colorfest Fees May Increase

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners may increase Colorfest fees for 2025 after experiencing a deficit after a rainy 2023 Colorf est. Costs for sanitation, trash, security, and buses have been increasing around 10 percent annually in recent years. The mayor and commissioners feel that a fee increase may be needed to cover the increasing expenses.

The commissioners also voted to char ge only a single yard sale permit fee, regardless of when the person comes to the town of fice for the permit. Currently, if someone waits until the Friday before Colorfest to purchas e a permit, it costs more than if the permit is purchased earlier .

The town will discuss possible changes to the fees during its August 20 meeting.

New Planning and Zoning Appointment

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners recently appointed Chris Stout er to serve as a regular member of the Thurmont Planning and Zoning Commission. The town still has an opening for an alternate member of the co mmission.

Bid Approved

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners approved a bid of $31 1,158 to purchase a new bucket truck for the electric department to use to replace the current vehicle, which is a 1997 GMC truck. Alltech Supply will provide the new truck and all the tools and equipment it needs. The funds to purchase the truck will come from a portion of the town’s recent bond issue.

Softball Shed Approved

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners had set aside $24,000 for the construction of a new restroom building at the Thurmont Little League fields. The cost came in much lower, leaving an excess of $11,175. The mayor and commissioners allocated $3,724 of this amount to purchase a 10- foot by 12-foot shed that the Catoctin Rec Council Softball League will use to store equipment to maintain the fields they use.


Town Likely to Raise Impact and Connection Fees

The Emmitsburg Board of Commissioners has started discussing whether to raise its impact fees charged to new constructions. The board seems in favor of increasing the fees, although more discussion needs to take pla ce. Currently, the town charges each new water service connection $8,200 per residential un it and each new sewer connection $8,000 per residential unit. In a ddition, all new residential units are assessed a one-time fee of $1,200. The commissioners plan to discuss the issue at a future meeting.

Paving Bids Approved

The Emmitsburg Board of Commissioners approved two paving bids for roads in town at a recent town meeting. Thurmont Paving offered the low bid on each project among 10 bidders and was awarded both of the contracts.

Paving Timbermill Run from W. Main Street to Brookfield Drive will cost $99,500, and paving Silo Hill Road from the first entrance to Ro bindale Drive to the dead end at the park will cost $56,800. Both projects in volve removing the existing asphalt; a two-inch mill and overlay; restriping a ny lines; raising or lowering of utilities if needed; and restoring any landscaping, sidewalk, or other damage to the site when the project is complete.

Grant Awarded

The Town of Emmitsburg recently received a Program Open Space Grant for $85,950, which requires a $9,550 town match. The grant money will be used to make improvements to the Rainbow Lake Trail that include fixing damage to the red trail, from logging, and adding signage to the trail.

The town also received another Program Open Space Grant for $20 ,000, which requires a $2,222 town match. This grant will be used to build a picnic shelter near the ADA playground.

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